The Information Paradox - Too many "Key Quotes" to mention, The Information Paradox by Fujitsu Consulting with John Thorp, is available as a free e-book.  This tremendous resource will help you stop throwing away money on IT and start focusing your resources on IT-enabled change.  Run, don't walk (well, OK, click really fast) to Fujitsu's web-site and fill out a very brief registration form and download the free e-book.

Managing the Realization of Business Benefits from IT Investments - Refers readers to a brilliant paper by Professor Joe Peppard, Professor John Ward, & Professor Elizabeth Daniel gives a great introduction to Benefits Realization, especially to the concepts related to creating a Benefits Dependency Network. It's essential that you create a Benefits Dependency Network in the Plan stage to align your enabling changes, process changes, to achieve benefits, that support your mission.

Designed to Fail - Another referral to a great outside resource, this one explaining how the popular and traditional Design-to-Build IT project development paradigm is fundamentally flawed and incomplete.

From Information Technology to Business Technology - In this interview George Colony, CEO of Forrester Research, calls for IT and business execs to start thinking and acting in a profoundly different way by changing Information Technology to Business Technology.

Who Controls Business Process Improvement  - In this article, shares the advice of three IT executives who are successfully leading BPM (the practice of continually optimizing business processes through analysis, modeling and monitoring—as a systematic approach for solving business problems and helping them meet their financial goals) inside their companies.