Focus on Efficiency Phase 1: Plan to become More Efficient, Efficiently - An introduction to the Plan stage of the Focus on Efficiency Framework.  This post explains why it's important to plan and why it's important to think beyond traditional project management planning.

Good Enough For Government Work - Explains that planning should be focused around the desired outcome, not around software features or hardware capacity.

Managing the Realization of Business Benefits from IT Investments - Refers readers to a brilliant paper by Professor Joe Peppard, Professor John Ward, & Professor Elizabeth Daniel gives a great introduction to Benefits Realization, especially to the concepts related to creating a Benefits Dependency Network.  It's essential that you create a Benefits Dependency Network in the Plan stage to align your enabling changes, process changes, to achieve benefits, that support your mission.

Designed to Fail - Another referral to a great outside resource, this one explaining how the popular and traditional Design-to-Build IT project development paradigm  is fundamentally flawed and incomplete.

No Rain, No Rainbows & Database Can Crack Missing Person Cases? -  Urge readers to think beyond the we-will-build-it-and-they-will-come mindset.

Everything's Amazing - Three amazing videos to help us break the momentum of the day-to-day. To get us to look at things with a new perspective and appreciation, and to think different.